Físicas y Eléctricas "ColorVu+X" takes video security above and beyond
Temperatura de Operación: - 40°C a 60°C.
Alimentación: 12 Vcd / 2.9 Watts.
Protección: Interior / Exterior IP67.
Dimensiónes: 84.6 mm × Ø85.02 mm
Peso:160 gramos.
Garantía de 2 años.
Características Destacadas:Las cámaras ColorVu cuentan con F stop ajustando a 1.0, lo que le permite una mayor captación y aprovechamiento de la luz, su luz blanca permite iluminar los ambientes muy oscuros para brindar una imagen a color 24/7, es por ello que ColorVu se encuentra entre las más selecciónadas por los clientes en ambientes como bares, tiendas, hogar, oficina, hospitales, perimetrales.
Hikvision's ColorVu technology helps users protect people and property by capturing high-quality, full-color imaging 24/7 with the same sharp rendering at night time as in daylight. Now, combine ColorVu with ( "+" ) other Hikvision's advanced technology ( "X" ) and amazing possibilities emerge. In other words, as one plus one equals amazing!
That's how "ColorVu+X" drives innovation to amazing levels, enabling ever more powerful capabilities using cutting-edge technologies. Cameras powered by these great technologies render crisp, clear imaging with vivid details for video evidence, boosting alarm accuracy along with smarter, quicker video playback and search. Versatile products and solutions are introduced with optimized performance to deal with the most common security concerns in residences, office buildings, parking lots and many more.
"ColorVu+X" takes video security above and beyond